In better news I have been accepted into the hoteling program. Which is the program that will allow me to work from home. I will take the training for this in June, and at about the second week of June on I will be working from home.
The plan when Rachel and I move (looking more like it will be Newport News, think I will still be able to get people to visit me when I live down by Virginia Beach?) to just work from home down there. The trick is I will still probably have to drive in to DC about once every couple of weeks. But there is a program that will allow me to move down there and not have to come into the office as often, but it is a very small number of examiners that can do that, and there is a list. So hopefully I'll be able to do that after not too long. But in the short term I'll still be having to drive up every couple of weeks after we move down there.