I realize its been a bit too long since I've last posted. A few things have happened since my Christmas list has gone up. Of course there was Lindsey, Caleb, and Casedy coming down the weekend before last which was a blast. We got to see Marney and Megan which was great. They really did appreciate having family come up and visit them, and offered that we come up again any time. An offer I am very much considering. Along with New York we got to go to the Aquarium in Baltimore which was actually lots of fun. A nice dolphin show, Caleb wasn't a fan of the 4-D theater though. But as usual it was just fun watching Caleb bounce between exhibits. He really is fond of aquariums. Balitmore itself was a lot nicer than I thought, or at least the part by the Aquarium. It makes me wonder what else of interest is in that city as I'm tempted to go back.
Besides that, I've recently picked up a martial arts, Shaolin Kempo. I am a white belt, go me! And I'm strongly contemplating getting back into fencing. Last weekend I visited Ken and Becky in Charlottesville again, and was able to fence at his local club. I did a lot better than last time, mainly I think because I actually had some endurance this time around. But I fenced a "d" rated fencer and beat him 15-14, so that made me happy. I might try to join my local club here, its pretty inexpensive. And then maybe start competative fencing in the area. Would be another oportunity to hang out with Ken as well, as I believe he tries to keep a rather competitive fencing schedule.
Anyways besides all that not much going on. Below are some pictures in reverse order (because I'm too lazy to change them up) from the NY and Baltimore trip. I hope you enjoy them :-).