Friday, March 25, 2011

Some long overdue Updates

First things first I suppose. Two weeks ago I tested for my new belt, which was a Full Green Belt. It was a lot of fun and what was so great, was that I was testing with a lot of friends from the Dojo. That is always a blast, as we all knew each other, and could just really enjoy the test. Even if it was one of the most exhausting tests ever, lasting 2 hours and 45 minutes of constant exercise and karate. By the end I was getting dizzy just standing there, from exhaustion and probably dehydration lol. But we all made it through it and it was a blast.

Then the next Tuesday at academy, the main instructor presented me with a test invitation for brown belt, in a week and a half. For brown belt there is a special advanced test, that takes place once every about three months. This particular one was scheduled for March 25th, or a in a week and a half from when I got the test invite. I was both surprised and absolutely honored to get a test invite for the next rank, literally a few days after I just tested for my previous rank lol. But at the same time, I was a little worried as I knew how exhausting tests were.

What made it worst last Saturday, the main instructor Sensei Santillo asked me "so, what are you doing cardio wise to train for the next next Friday?". Holy crap I had train physically for the test? And I only had a week? He kinda freaked me out to say the least lol. But in the end tonight's test wasn't so bad really. It turned out to be more technical than physically exhausting. Don't get me wrong, it was still physically exhausting, but it was more, getting tired from doing lots of karate, and less from doing tons of exercises, so it was more fun in my opinion.

Anyways, here is a picture I took of my most recent three belts, with their rank certificates.
As you can see, the Brown belt certificate is bigger, because it's better I guess.

In other news, as of Monday I will be promoted at work as well. This is a promotion to GS-13, and is a big promotion. It is a large increase in work, 15%, where all my previous promotions were a 10% increase. Also, at the end of 20 weeks, I start the partial signatory program, where I start being able to send out actions without them being reviewed by my boss first. At this point my production will increase by another 10%, so 25% more work than what I am doing right now. 20 weeks from now is Mid August, or about the time of our August vacation. But the good news is that it is also a significant jump in pay, and I get my own office.

As you can see, there are no windows whatsoever, making it feel like a large closet with a desk and a computer in it. Nevertheless, it is all mine, and I don't have to share it with anyone! Also as you can see, I found nice home for the painting that Caleb made for me. However, as you can also see, I still have plenty of wall space, in case Caleb ever wants to make some more paintings for me!

Also, as one more random aside, I got Rachel to get HBO on her cable so that I can watch A Game of Thrones on HBO next month!

Anyways, I know I have rambled on quite a bit so far. I know Stephen will complain. But then I think he is just jealous that I post more than just random youtube videos that I find online.