Above is an image of a molecule! The incredibleness of this image is nothing short of mind boggling. In order to take this picture they have to freeze it down to 5 kelvin. To put that into perspective water freezes at 273 kelvin. At 0 kelvin a gas is absolutely stable, not moving at all. it is the theoretical minimal of temperature. It was imaged with atomic force microscopy, using an incredibly small cantilever. Meaning, they created the image my touching it. Normally when you think of an image its a capturing of light. Here they are capturing it by touching it, and creating a contour that way. The reason why they do that, is that light isn't small enough. Figure vacuum extreme ultraviolet light is about 10 nm. This molecule above is 1.4 nm. So the wavelength of light itself is too large to be able to give an accurate representation of the molecule.
That brings us to the hiezenberg principle. The more you know about one thing, the less you know about another. You can't know both the position and momentum of a microcopic particle at the same time. To get around that though, as you see.... they had to take away the momentum, thus freezing it down to 5 kelvin. And this is the reason why sadly, as of right now, we are unable to use teleporters like in Star Trek. Unless maybe, you freeze everyone down to absolute zero before you teleport someone.
You're a geek. =)