Saturday, May 8, 2010


So I realized that it has been a few weeks since I have last posted. I figured I'd jot off some random stuff, so at least everyone knows I'm not dead or anything.

I just finished watching "Spartacus" a la Netflix. This is a show that has been intriguing me. Specifically I love the area and period that it is representing. And this show has been surprisingly good. The pilot was horrendous. But every episode since has been amazing. It has a lots of violence, language and nudity, but the strength of the show was how it balanced character development. As any good show about the period they focused on political maneuvering as much as the action. Though don't get me wrong, the fight scenes always managed to be fun to watch, and well choreographed. They deftly wove the story around different characters, comparing and contrasting them deftly throughout the series up till the climatic ending. The ending was quite satisfying, as well as epic. I'm really curious where they will take the second season.

I have also lost quite a bit of weight. This has the downside, I'm finding out, of needing an entire new set of clothes. Which is why I was so happy that Kevin was willing to part with some. I must say though, it is nice fitting into a size Large shirts, and size 34 waist. I don't know the last time I can say I was there. Probably junior high school sadly.... Anyways I figure I would love to still lose about another 10-15 pounds minimum. My goal I think is to have a "beach body" in time for the Long Lake vacation this year.

In Karate I have started to learn the Chinese Dao, which is a Chinese broadsword. That has been tons of fun. So far I have learned "dragon set one" and I'm hoping that next week I will learn the second sword form. The ability to learn weapons like this was one of the reasons why I decided to join the karate school that I did. And I must say it has been a blast. I have two more lessons (i purchased five extra to learn the weapon) left, which is sad. But not the end thankfully lol. After my lesson this past Thursday one of the other students told me that he thinks I smile more when I have a sword. I don't doubt this to be true lol.

Work is going well I suppose. I just got promoted right around Easter, which should mean I have to do 10% more work. Though if that is the case, it seems to be going quite well. I do for sure enjoy the extra pay. And the other benefits is just that with the promotion my boss has to review my work less strenuously. So I'm still kinda curious how that will play out in the end. So far I really havn't noticed anything different. One thing I can say though, is that I called up an attorney to suggest to them an amendment for the case. Basicaly he was unable to reach his applicant (the inventor or the like) in order to propose the amendment. The reason? A week long holiday in Japan. That's right, 1 week, public holiday. I know a government worker complaining about lack of holidays is much a pot and kettle situation. But really. 1 week! I'm very jealous.

Okay, so enough rumblings. Hopefully at some point I will even have something interesting to blog about.... sadly my life isn't that exciting lol. Until then, vaya con dios.

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