Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Recent news

Jim will be leaving the country next week Monday I believe. He will be away for at least 6 weeks, at which point he will hang out with family and have his formal engagement party. I am of course incredibly happy for him. However, on the other hand during this trip he will decide whether or not he will return to the US afterwords. So there is a chance he won't return. But I of course hope that he will. If you would like to wish him well on his trip before he leaves, let me know and I can give you his number if you so desire it.

In other news, starting next week Monday for me I will have a promotion. The way promotions work at my work, is that I get "promoted" and I do the same job, just more of it, but I get paid a bit more. But this promotion is pretty cool, its the GS12 promotion. Which is kinda like a the base level at work if that makes sense? Its the last promotion until I move towards signatory authority, where I would be able to officially send out my own cases, without my boss signing on them. Anyways, for anyone curious how much pay I will get, I will be a GS12 step 2. If you are savy enough with the internet you can figure out how much money I will be getting paid by looking it up on opm.gov website.


  1. Figured it out! Took me less than a minute. Did I win??? =)

  2. As long as the number you came up with was not 62283 you win!

    What the prize is though? Not sure...
