Sunday, May 22, 2011

Game of Thrones Theme

For Stephen. A heavy metal version of the GoT opening theme. I personally think it is awesome!

Has everyone been watching and liking it so far? Personally I think every episode gets better and better! And I am excited to see two episodes tonight!


  1. well I must say, I am not really into heavy metal. Let me make that clear. Heavy metal? Really? me? Are the chili peppers heavy metal? is tom petty heavy metal? is roster mccabe heavy metal? I think not and yet they are among my favorite bands. Guns n roses is probably closest, but still not what I would consider heavy metal. Really jon. Please.

    Anyways, I went on about that longer than I intended. Yeah, its sounds pretty good.

    The most recent episode really pissed me off. I remembered that ned loses, but I don't remember how. So the end was a very tense moment for me and then it happened and it all came back to me and I was really pissed all over again.

  2. I should have said "guitar" version of the song. I know you don't like hard rock, but thought you'd appreciate a guitar version. I thought it was pretty cool.

    They have less ability to set up internal monologues which books tend to have a lot of. So they are setting up different relationships I think. Creating more of a rival between Ned and Jamie than was really there to better demarkate the conflicts. Anyways, having him go 1 on 1 versus Jamie didn't bother me, and I thought it was pretty cool.

    But they couldn't have done that scene the way it was in the book too. If you have noticed they have downplayed the presence of animals in the show, most likely to save on the budget. So limited use of direwolfs, but also only using horses when needed. In the book the encounter between Jamie and Ned, they were all on horseback, and Ned hurt his leg by having the horse land on it. Without horses, they had to injure him some other way. The trade off we got to see Ned go against Jamie in a sword fight which was pretty cool I thought.
