Saturday, December 31, 2011


I figured I'd make a quick post about Worldbuilders.  Worldbuilders is a charity that I give to, at least last year and this year.  The charity supports Heifer International, which specializes in giving poor familys all the things that they need.  Like it won't just give them free food, it gives them a goat so they can get milk, and cheese, and other such things they need to sustain themselves.  Anyways, I think it is a good charity.

Worldbuilders then is a raffle.  For every $10 you donate, you get a raffle ticket.  I donated $50 and so I get 5 raffle tickets.  What you win are rare books, dvd collections, lots of signed stuff.  The main genre are fantasy, science fiction, urban fantasy, and a lot of other such things.  Basically a lot of what I read, as well as what a lot of you, my family reads as well.  There are lots and lots of items in the raffle, so there is a very good chance you will actually win something.  That is what I really like about it.  Last year I won a book autographed by like 20 authors.  Pretty cool I think.

Anyways, So I encourage everyone to donate.  If you win a book that you don't like, I"m sure we can share them around.  And honestly if you don't win anything at all, then you are still giving to a great cause.  So a win win all around.

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